<?php /** * Zend Framework * * LICENSE * * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt. * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL: * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email * to license@zend.com so we can send you a copy immediately. * * @category Zend * @package Zend_Tool * @subpackage Framework * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License * @version $Id: DbAdapter.php 24593 2012-01-05 20:35:02Z matthew $ */ /** * @see Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Abstract */ require_once 'Zend/Tool/Project/Provider/Abstract.php'; /** * @see Zend_Tool_Framework_Provider_Interactable */ require_once 'Zend/Tool/Framework/Provider/Interactable.php'; /** * @category Zend * @package Zend_Tool * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com) * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License */ class Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_DbAdapter extends Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Abstract implements Zend_Tool_Framework_Provider_Interactable, Zend_Tool_Framework_Provider_Pretendable { protected $_appConfigFilePath = null; protected $_config = null; protected $_sectionName = 'production'; public function configure($dsn = null, /* $interactivelyPrompt = false, */ $sectionName = 'production') { $profile = $this->_loadProfile(self::NO_PROFILE_THROW_EXCEPTION); $appConfigFileResource = $profile->search('applicationConfigFile'); if ($appConfigFileResource == false) { throw new Zend_Tool_Project_Exception('A project with an application config file is required to use this provider.'); } $this->_appConfigFilePath = $appConfigFileResource->getPath(); $this->_config = new Zend_Config_Ini($this->_appConfigFilePath, null, array('skipExtends' => true, 'allowModifications' => true)); if ($sectionName != 'production') { $this->_sectionName = $sectionName; } if (!isset($this->_config->{$this->_sectionName})) { throw new Zend_Tool_Project_Exception('The config does not have a ' . $this->_sectionName . ' section.'); } if (isset($this->_config->{$this->_sectionName}->resources->db)) { throw new Zend_Tool_Project_Exception('The config already has a db resource configured in section ' . $this->_sectionName . '.'); } if ($dsn) { $this->_configureViaDSN($dsn); //} elseif ($interactivelyPrompt) { // $this->_promptForConfig(); } else { $this->_registry->getResponse()->appendContent('Nothing to do!'); } } protected function _configureViaDSN($dsn) { $dsnVars = array(); if (strpos($dsn, '=') === false) { throw new Zend_Tool_Project_Provider_Exception('At least one name value pair is expected, typcially ' . 'in the format of "adapter=Mysqli&username=uname&password=mypass&dbname=mydb"' ); } parse_str($dsn, $dsnVars); // parse_str suffers when magic_quotes is enabled if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { array_walk_recursive($dsnVars, array($this, '_cleanMagicQuotesInValues')); } $dbConfigValues = array('resources' => array('db' => null)); if (isset($dsnVars['adapter'])) { $dbConfigValues['resources']['db']['adapter'] = $dsnVars['adapter']; unset($dsnVars['adapter']); } $dbConfigValues['resources']['db']['params'] = $dsnVars; $isPretend = $this->_registry->getRequest()->isPretend(); // get the config resource $applicationConfig = $this->_loadedProfile->search('ApplicationConfigFile'); $applicationConfig->addItem($dbConfigValues, $this->_sectionName, null); $response = $this->_registry->getResponse(); if ($isPretend) { $response->appendContent('A db configuration for the ' . $this->_sectionName . ' section would be written to the application config file with the following contents: ' ); $response->appendContent($applicationConfig->getContents()); } else { $applicationConfig->create(); $response->appendContent('A db configuration for the ' . $this->_sectionName . ' section has been written to the application config file.' ); } } protected function _cleanMagicQuotesInValues(&$value, $key) { $value = stripslashes($value); } }