
 * Zend Framework
 * This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
 * with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
 * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
 * http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd
 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
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 * @category   Zend
 * @package    Zend_Service_Rackspace
 * @subpackage Files
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2005-2012 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
 * @license    http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd     New BSD License

require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Files.php';

class Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_Container
    const ERROR_PARAM_FILE_CONSTRUCT  = 'The Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files passed in construction is not valid';
    const ERROR_PARAM_ARRAY_CONSTRUCT = 'The array passed in construction is not valid';
    const ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME         = 'The container name is empty';
     * @var string
    protected $name;
     * Construct
     * @param Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files $service
     * @param string $name
    public function __construct($service, $data)
        if (!($service instanceof Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files)) {
            require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Files/Exception.php';
            throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_FILE_CONSTRUCT);
        if (!is_array($data)) {
            require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Files/Exception.php';
            throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_ARRAY_CONSTRUCT);
        if (!array_key_exists('name', $data)) {
            require_once 'Zend/Service/Rackspace/Files/Exception.php';
            throw new Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_Exception(self::ERROR_PARAM_NO_NAME);
        $this->service = $service;
        $this->name = $data['name'];
     * Get the name of the container
     * @return string
    public function getName()
        return $this->name;
     * Get the size in bytes of the container
     * @return integer|boolean
    public function getSize()
        $data = $this->getInfo();
        if (isset($data['bytes'])) {
            return $data['bytes'];
        return false;
     * Get the total count of objects in the container
     * @return integer|boolean
    public function getObjectCount()
        $data = $this->getInfo();
        if (isset($data['count'])) {
            return $data['count'];
        return false;
     * Return true if the container is CDN enabled
     * @return boolean
    public function isCdnEnabled()
        $data = $this->getCdnInfo();
        if (isset($data['cdn_enabled'])) {
            return $data['cdn_enabled'];
        return false;
     * Get the TTL of the CDN
     * @return integer|boolean 
    public function getCdnTtl() 
        $data = $this->getCdnInfo();
        if (!isset($data['ttl'])) {
            return $data['ttl'];
        return false;
     * Return true if the log retention is enabled for the CDN
     * @return boolean
    public function isCdnLogEnabled()
        $data = $this->getCdnInfo();
        if (!isset($data['log_retention'])) {
            return $data['log_retention'];
        return false;
     * Get the CDN URI
     * @return string|boolean
    public function getCdnUri()
        $data = $this->getCdnInfo();
        if (!isset($data['cdn_uri'])) {
            return $data['cdn_uri'];
        return false;
     * Get the CDN URI SSL
     * @return string|boolean
    public function getCdnUriSsl()
        $data = $this->getCdnInfo();
        if (!isset($data['cdn_uri_ssl'])) {
            return $data['cdn_uri_ssl'];
        return false;
     * Get the metadata of the container
     * If $key is empty return the array of metadata
     * @param string $key
     * @return array|string|boolean
    public function getMetadata($key=null)
        $result = $this->service->getMetadataContainer($this->getName());
        if (!empty($result) && is_array($result)) {
            if (empty($key)) {
                return $result['metadata'];
            } else {
                if (isset ($result['metadata'][$key])) {
                    return $result['metadata'][$key];
        return false;
     * Get the information of the container (total of objects, total size)
     * @return array|boolean 
    public function getInfo()
        $result = $this->service->getMetadataContainer($this->getName());
        if (!empty($result) && is_array($result)) {
           return $result;
        return false;
     * Get all the object of the container
     * @return Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_ObjectList
    public function getObjects()
        return $this->service->getObjects($this->getName());
     * Get an object of the container
     * @param string $name
     * @param array $headers
     * @return Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files_Object|boolean
    public function getObject($name, $headers=array())
        return $this->service->getObject($this->getName(), $name, $headers);
     * Add an object in the container
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $file the content of the object
     * @param array $metadata
     * @return boolen
    public function addObject($name, $file, $metadata=array())
        return $this->service->storeObject($this->getName(), $name, $file, $metadata);
     * Delete an object in the container
     * @param string $obj
     * @return boolean
    public function deleteObject($obj)
        return $this->service->deleteObject($this->getName(), $obj);
     * Copy an object to another container
     * @param string $obj_source
     * @param string $container_dest
     * @param string $obj_dest
     * @param array $metadata
     * @param string $content_type
     * @return boolean
    public function copyObject($obj_source, $container_dest, $obj_dest, $metadata=array(), $content_type=null)
        return $this->service->copyObject($this->getName(), $obj_source, $container_dest, $obj_dest, $metadata, $content_type);
     * Get the metadata of an object in the container
     * @param string $object
     * @return array
    public function getMetadataObject($object)
        return $this->service->getMetadataObject($this->getName(),$object);
     * Set the metadata of an object in the container
     * @param string $object
     * @param array $metadata
     * @return boolean
    public function setMetadataObject($object,$metadata=array()) 
        return $this->service->setMetadataObject($this->getName(),$object,$metadata);
     * Enable the CDN for the container
     * @param integer $ttl
     * @return array|boolean
    public function enableCdn($ttl=Zend_Service_Rackspace_Files::CDN_TTL_MIN) 
        return $this->service->enableCdnContainer($this->getName(),$ttl);
     * Disable the CDN for the container
     * @return boolean
    public function disableCdn() 
        $result = $this->service->updateCdnContainer($this->getName(),null,false);
        return ($result!==false);
     * Change the TTL for the CDN container
     * @param integer $ttl
     * @return boolean
    public function changeTtlCdn($ttl) 
        $result =  $this->service->updateCdnContainer($this->getName(),$ttl);
        return ($result!==false);
     * Enable the log retention for the CDN
     * @return boolean
    public function enableLogCdn() 
        $result =  $this->service->updateCdnContainer($this->getName(),null,null,true);
        return ($result!==false);
     * Disable the log retention for the CDN
     * @return boolean
    public function disableLogCdn() 
        $result =  $this->service->updateCdnContainer($this->getName(),null,null,false);
        return ($result!==false);
     * Get the CDN information
     * @return array|boolean
    public function getCdnInfo() 
        return $this->service->getInfoCdnContainer($this->getName());