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Print Count&Save...ObjectObjects PageStart!Print header when footer orphaned Select ObjectSave changes to <reportname>.No visible page bands.There are no bands to print..All requested pages were beyond end of report.0Zero height detail band invalid for NoData mode. Traversal%Design-time previewing not available.&Not enough disk space to print report.%First column too wide to fit on page. Unable to open file: <filename>. Invalid Memo.Invalid Image.(Failure to convert floating point value.5Controls beyond the new column width will be deleted.DControls within the column header and column footer will be deleted.2Controls within the column header will be deleted.2Controls within the column footer will be deleted.:Invalid value: Zero height band cannot contain components.;Invalid value: Height of band cannot exceed height of page.*Bottom of control extends below workspace.AutoSize has been turned off.No CustomField Assigned.No DataField Assigned.!Detail band does not fit on page.DateDateTime PrintDateTime PageCountPageSet PageSetDescPageNo PageNoDescTime Top to BottomCountSumMinimumMaximumAverage RectangleSquareRounded RectangleRounded SquareEllipseCircleStringBottom Grid OptionsRight3Controls beyond the new page width will be deleted.+There are no data fields on which to group.-There are no custom fields on which to group.GroupInvalid Number.Invalid property value.IntegerSingleShiftRelativeTo...DoubleShift Relative ToExtendedSet object position based onCurrency.Cyclic assignment of ShiftRelativeTo property.<None> &Grid Options Display &Grid Sna&p to Grid Grid Size &X Grid Size &Y1Grid size X must be an integer between 2 and 128.1Grid size Y must be an integer between 2 and 128.RichText DBRichTextRich Text EditorBullets Save changes?OK to overwrite <filename> ?Save changes to <filename> ?RowColModifiedOpenSaveBooleanUndoCutCopyPasteRegion SubReport ParentHeight ParentWidthColumn NewPrintJobMain Bottom to TopMargins Invalid Value Variable Type Data TypeChildSectionFixed&FooterPosition&Apply Position...&Screen Pixels&Printer Pixels&Thousandths of MMReport Outline Report Tree Select Report ColumnEnd&Data...Master Data PipelineDetail Data Pipeline Bottom OffsetPrint PositionError loading memo.Char ResetPageNoMaintainAspectRatioParentPrinterSetupError loading rich text.*PrintPosition exceeds available page space&Ignore Ignore &AllError Reading TemplateOverflow OffsetStart new columnNew column when less than+Reprint group headers on subsequent columns0Only UPC and EAN barcodes can have add-on codes.)Add-on codes must be either 2 or 5 digits*PostNet barcodes must have AutoSize = True7EAN-13 and UPC-A barcodes must have AutoSizeFont = True'BarWidth must be at least <minbarwidth>*BarWidth can be no more than <maxbarwidth>5Only Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes can have bearer barsHCode 39 barcodes can only contain A-Z, 0-9, $, %, +, -, ., /, and spaces7EAN-13 barcodes must be 12 digits (13 with check digit);EAN-13 barcodes must be 13 digits including the check digitEAN-13 barcodes must be numeric+Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes must be numeric>Interleaved 2 of 5 barcodes must have an even number of digits PostNet barcodes must be numeric0PostNet barcodes must be 5, 9, or 11 digits long6UPC-A barcodes must be 11 digits (12 with check digit):UPC-A barcodes must be 12 digits including the check digitUPC-A barcodes must be numeric AutoSizeFontPrintHumanReadable Configure... ConfigureType Bar WidthWide Bar Ratio Add On Code Bearer BarsCalculate Check Digit:Code 128 must begin with a start code (#208, #209 or #210)>A start code can only be placed at the beginning of the symbol1Only Code B can contain the character <character>4Only Code A can contain characters #211 through #2428The Code C portion must contain an even number of digits"The Code C portion must be numeric4Code C does not utilize characters #201 through #204(You cannot have two shift codes in a rowEWindows cannot print due to a problem with the current printer setup.BarCode DBBarCodeChartDBChartStandard ComponentsData ComponentsAdvanced ComponentsNudge Up Nudge Down Nudge Left Nudge Right AutomaticMore Font Colors...NoneMore Highlight Colors...No FillMore Fill Colors...No LineMore Line Colors... Font ColorHighlight Color Fill Color Line ColorAlign or SpaceSizeNudgeDrawLine Thickness Line StyleStandardSystem VariableVariablealready exists.Replace existing report?E&dit Chart...E&xport Chart... &Refresh Data Drill DownToolbars Data PipelineReset On MailMerge&Insert Field... Calculate On&Font...Keep group together StopPosition&Details&Folder&List&Open&Rename &Status Bar&Toolbar(a > z)(large > small)(newer > older)(older > newer)(small > large)(z > a)<count> item(s) selected <count> items<name> already exists. All Folders)Are you sure you want to delete '<name>'?_Are you sure you want to delete these <count> folders and move all contents to the Recycle Bin?4Are you sure you want to delete these <count> items?aAre you sure you want to remove the folder '<name>' and move all its contents to the Recycle Bin?:Are you sure you want to send '<name>' to the Recycle Bin?EAre you sure you want to send these <count> items to the Recycle Bin?bytesNCannot move '<name>': The destination folder is the same as the source folder.LCannot rename '<name>': A folder with the name you specified already exists.KCannot rename '<name>': An item with the name you specified already exists. Code ModuleConfirm Folder DeleteConfirm Folder ReplaceConfirm Item DeleteConfirm Item ReplaceConfirm Multiple Folder DeleteRena&meConfirm Multiple Item DeleteContents of <name>Create New Folder Data ModuleDelete"Designer property is not assigned.DetailsDo you want to replace it?Error Moving FolderError Renaming FolderError Renaming ItemFolder(FolderPipeline property is not assigned.-FolderPipeline: '<name>' could not be opened.Help New &FolderDataPipelineTraversalItem not found: <name>7ItemPipeline <name> field: '<name>' could not be found.BItemPipeline Template field: '<name>' is not a memo or blob field.&ItemPipeline property is not assigned.+ItemPipeline: '<name>' could not be opened.KBList Look &in:ModifiedName New Folder New Report New &Report,No Report Explorer form class is registered. Open ReportPrintPrint Pre&view Print Preview Recycle BinReportReport Explorer,Report property of Designer is not assigned. Save &in:Size Specify a different folder name.Specify a different item name.6This folder already contains a folder called '<name>'.5This folder already contains an item called '<name>'.Type Up One Level,Would you like to replace the existing item?9FolderPipeline <name> field: '<name>' could not be found._If the items in the existing folder have the same name as reports in the folder you are moving,*do you want to replace the existing items?&ExploreEmpty Recycle &Bin.Adjust field widths so all fields fit on page. Align Left 1 Align Left 2Available FieldsBackBlockBoldCasualCompact CorporateData Pipeline Name@Do you want to preview the report or modify the report's design?*Fields must be selected before continuing.FinishFormal*How would you like to lay out your report?LayoutModify the report's designNext Outline 1 Outline 2%Please enter a title for your report.Preview the reportPriority Report WizardSelected Fields Soft GraySteppedTabular9That is all the information needed to create your report.VerticalWhat style would you like? ColumnStart(Which fields do you want on your report? Insert FieldObject Outline Show TitlesCreateStyleGridLabelsFieldsRefresh Data Tree!<name> is not a valid identifier."<name> is not a unique identifier.Fields for <name> Expand AllTraverse All Data4EAN-8 barcodes must be 7 digits (8 with check digit)9EAN-8 barcodes must be 8 digits including the check digitEAN-8 barcodes must be numeric4UPC-E barcodes must be 6 digits (7 with check digit)9UPC-E barcodes must be 7 digits including the check digitUPC-E barcodes must be numeric3The only valid choices for FIM codes are A, B, or C=Codabar can only encode 0-9, A, B, C, D, -, $, :, /, ., and +7A Codabar symbol must start and end with A, B, C, or D.FA, B, C, and D are used only for the start and stop codes for Codabar.6They cannot appear anywhere in the middle of the data. Calc Order Report Bands Variables new columnnew row new valueConfigure CrosstabX1. Construct your crosstab by dragging fields from the field list into the shaded cells.V2. Remove columns, rows or values by dragging from the diagram back to the field list.B3. Reorder columns, rows or values by dragging within the diagram.`4. Format crosstab by selecting a row, column or value and then using the toolbar or popup menu.Sort Asc Sort Desc&Tips&Font&Color&Display Format&Visible &Gridlines PaginationAcross then DownDown then AcrossCrossTab Wizard'Data must be selected before continuing%Specify the data and page orientation DirectDraw3DataDictionary.<name> '<name>' could not be opened./DataDictionary.<name> property is not assigned.1<name>.<name> field: '<name>' could not be found. [Read Only]2New components cannot be added to frame instances.OSelection contains a component introduced in an ancestor and cannot be deleted.Timing Timing... New Items Page Style Auto Encode&Calc Order...Data to be encodedCrossTab&Load SubReport...S&ave SubReport...Loa&d From File...Sa&ve to File...Load SubReport From File...Save SubReport To File... &Skip Nulls ReportEnd GroupStartGroupEndGroupBeforeHeaderGroupBeforeFooter Null OrderFirstLastYou must type a folder name.You must type an item name. &Cache Pages P&ass Setting &One Pass &Two Pass Page SettingPage Setting...Label TemplatesPrinter information Dot MatrixLaser and ink jetProductsLabel informationJustify Force Justify Document NameDuplex Horizontal KeepTogether LookAhead ResetGroup...Bands Per RecordNo Data Pipeline assigned.Column Traversal Top to Bottom Left to Right AutoDisplayRepeated CaptionsOutline Settings...Outline SettingsCreate Nodes For Components:Outline Preview:EnabledCreate Page NodesPreview Entire Report Page Limit:0Can't generate report. Preview is not available.Find Text Settings Page BreakAnchorsBorderTextAllThemesObject Inspector&=O8‚7$B:rbIDESysInitSystem